Two awards from the Australian Centre are open for submission

The Australian Centre is pleased to announce the following awards are open for applications:

Kate Challis RAKA Award 2016

The award of $20,000 (approx.) will be offered to the best book of fiction already published and written in English by an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Please visit the website for more information.

Applications close 24 June 2016

Peter Blazey Fellowship 2017

The award of $15,000 (approx.) and a one-month writer-in-residency at the Australian Centre is for writers in the non-fiction fields of biography, autobiography and life writing and is intended to further a work in progress.

Please visit the website for more information.

Applications close 15 July 2016

The recipients will be announced at Melbourne Writers Festival, 2.30pm, Sunday 3 September at The Cube, ACMI.